262.610. 1. All moneys received by the treasurer for thecouncil shall be deposited by him in a bank or trust companydesignated by the council and authorized to receive publicdeposits.
2. The treasurer shall pay out, on the warrant of thesecretary of the council, or by a combination warrant check,signed by the chairman of the council and treasurer of thecouncil, all moneys which come to his hands for the use of thecouncil, and he shall not pay any sum from the funds of thecouncil in any other manner.
3. He shall keep a book in which he shall enter all themoneys received and disbursed by him, specifying the person fromwhom received and to whom paid, and the object for which same hasbeen paid out.
4. He shall present to the council at each annual meeting ofthe council a report in writing containing a statement of allmoneys received by him from the county treasurer and from anyother source since the last annual meeting of the council, and ofthe disbursements made by him with the items of suchdisbursements, and exhibit the warrants or checks or combinationwarrants and checks therefor, which report shall be recorded bythe secretary of the council; and at the close of his term ofoffice shall settle with the council; and shall hand over to hissuccessor the books and all other records and papers coming intohis hands as treasurer, together with all moneys remaining in hishands as such treasurer.
(L. 1961 p. 7 ยง 19)