262.823. The purpose of the board shall be to further the growth anddevelopment of the grape growing industry in the state of Missouri. The boardshall have a correlate purpose of fostering the expansion of the grape marketfor Missouri grapes. To effectuate these goals, the board may:
(1) Participate in cooperation with state, regional, national, orinternational activities, groups, and organizations whose objectives are thatof developing new and better grape varieties to determine their suitabilityfor growing in Missouri;
(2) Participate in and develop research projects on improved wine-makingmethods utilizing the new grape varieties to be grown in Missouri;
(3) Utilize the individual and collective expertise of the board membersas well as experts in the fields of enology and viticulture selected by theboard, to update and improve the quality of grapes grown in Missouri andadvanced methods of producing wines from these Missouri grapes;
(4) Furnish current information and associated data on researchconducted by and for the board to grape growers and vintners in Missouri aswell as to interested persons considering entering these fields within thestate; and
(5) Participate in subsequent studies, programs, research, andinformation and data dissemination in the areas of sales, promotions, andeffective distribution of Missouri wines.
(L. 2005 S.B. 355)