262.844. The board shall meet in Jefferson City within sixty days ofthe effective date of this act to elect a chairperson and vice chairpersonof the board. The committee shall thereafter meet annually, within sixtydays of July first, to elect officers and conduct business of the board.Additional meetings shall be held at the call of the chairperson orwhenever two board members so request. Six members of the board shallconstitute a quorum, and any action taken by the board under the provisionsof sections 262.820 to 262.859 may be authorized by resolution approved bya majority, but not less than five, of the board members present at anyregular or special meeting. In the absence of the chairman, the vicechairman may preside over the annual meeting of the board or in the absenceof the chairman, any meeting requested by two or more commissioners. Novacancy in the membership of the board shall impair the right of a quorumto exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of the board.
(L. 2005 S.B. 355)