263.030. 1. The director shall appoint a state entomologistwho shall be a graduate of a reputable college of agriculture oruniversity where he has specialized in the science of entomology,and who has had not less than two years' practical experience inplant regulatory inspection work. The state entomologist shalladminister sections 263.010 to 263.180.
2. The state entomologist shall select his necessaryemployees, subject to the approval of the director, and thedirector shall fix reasonable compensation for all employees inkeeping with duties performed and within availableappropriations. Any person employed in plant inspection shall bea graduate of a reputable college of agriculture or universitywith training in the sciences of entomology or plant pathology toqualify him to properly perform such duties. Certain relatedfields such as horticulture and forestry may be substituted forsuch training, provided a minimum of six hours of college creditwas earned in entomology or plant pathology. The provisions ofthis subsection shall not apply to employees of a nontechnicalnature such as survey technicians and quarantine enforcementpersonnel.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 14036, A. 1949 S.B. 1092, A.L. 1984 S.B. 516)Effective 1-1-85