263.080. 1. The state entomologist shall keep himselfinformed as to the occurrence of plant pests, their origin,locality, nature and appearance, the manner in which they aredisseminated, and approved methods of treatment and control. Thestate entomologist shall determine which plant pests are of sucha harmful nature that their introduction into or disseminationwithin the state should be prevented. Whenever an inspectiondiscloses that the premises, plants, plant parts orpest-harboring materials are infested or infected with suchharmful plant pests as to constitute a hazard to plant or animallife in the state, or any part thereof, he may notify the owneror person having charge of such premises to that effect and theowner or person in charge shall cause the treatment, removal ordestruction of the infested or infected plants, or otherpest-harboring material as directed and within the time specifiedby the notice. Whenever such owner or other person cannot befound or shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with the termsof the notice, such requirements shall be carried out by theinspectors or other employees of the state entomologist and thestate entomologist shall obtain and enforce a lien for theexpense thereof against the place in or upon which such expensewas incurred in the same manner as liens are obtained andenforced upon buildings for labor and materials furnished byvirtue of contract with the owner.
2. Every person who deals in or engages in the sale ofplants or plant products shall furnish to the state entomologistor his inspectors, when requested, a statement of the names andaddresses of the persons from whom and the localities where hepurchased or obtained such plants or plant products.
(RSMo 1939 § 14039, A.L. 1984 S.B. 516)Prior revision: 1929 § 12372
Effective 1-1-85