263.110. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, giveaway, carry, ship or deliver for carriage or shipment within thisstate any nursery stock unless such nursery stock has beenofficially inspected, at least annually, and a certificate issuedby the state entomologist stating that the nursery stock has beeninspected and found apparently free from harmful plant pests, andstating any other facts provided for in the rules made pursuantto sections 263.010 to 263.180. For such inspection andcertification, the state entomologist may require the payment ofa reasonable fee to cover the expenses of such inspection orcertificate, or both, which cost in any event shall not exceedthe actual cost of the inspection. If it shall be found at anytime that a certificate of inspection, issued or acceptedpursuant to the provisions of this section, is being used inconnection with plants and plant products which are infested orinfected with harmful plant pests, the certificate may be revokedand its further use may be prohibited, subject to such inspectionand other disposition of the plants and plant products involvedas may be provided for by the state entomologist. The provisionsof this section shall not apply to farmers or other persons whomay give away nursery stock from their own premises which was notgrown specifically for commercial purposes.
(RSMo 1939 § 14043, A.L. 1984 S.B. 516)Prior revision: 1929 § 12376
Effective 1-1-85