263.130. The state entomologist, whenever he shall find thatthere exists in any other state, territory, or district, or partthereof, any harmful plant pests with reference to which theSecretary of Agriculture of the United States has not determinedthat a quarantine is necessary and has not duly established suchquarantine, may promulgate, and may enforce by appropriate rules,a quarantine prohibiting or restricting the transportation intoor through this state, or any portion thereof, from such otherstate, territory, or district of any class of nursery stock,plants or plant products or other article of any characterwhatsoever, capable of carrying such plant pests. The stateentomologist may make rules for the seizure, inspection,disinfection, destruction, or other disposition of any nurserystock, plants or plant products or other article of any characterwhatsoever, capable of carrying any harmful plant pests, aquarantine with respect to which shall have been established bythe Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, and which havebeen transported to, into, or through this state in violation ofsuch quarantine.
(RSMo 1939 § 14045, A.L. 1984 S.B. 516)Prior revision: 1929 § 12378
Effective 1-1-85