263.205. 1. The plant multiflora rose (rosa multiflora) ishereby declared to be a noxious weed; except, notwithstanding anyother provision of this section, multiflora rose (rosamultiflora) shall not be considered a noxious weed whencultivated for or used as understock for cultivated roses.
2. The governing body of any county of this state may opt toestablish a "County Noxious Weed Fund" for the purpose of makinggrants on a cost share basis for the control of any noxious weed,as the plant may be designated under this section.
3. Any county opting to establish a county noxious weedfund, shall establish a noxious weed control program. Noresident or owner of land of any county shall be required toparticipate in a county noxious weed control program; however,any resident or landowner making application for cost sharegrants under this section shall participate in said program.
4. For the purpose of administering the county noxious weedfund, the county governing body shall have sole discretion ofawarding cost share grants under this section.
5. For the purpose of funding the county noxious weed fund,the county governing body may appropriate county funds, and/orsolicit municipality, state agency, state general revenue, andfederal agency funds. All such funds shall be deposited in thecounty noxious weed fund to be expended for the sole purpose ofcontrolling noxious weeds so designated under this section.
6. Any county opting to establish a county noxious weedcontrol program under this section may make rules and regulationsgoverning said program, and any county opting to establish acounty noxious weed fund under this section shall establish acost share ratio on an annual basis beginning with the creationof the fund.
(L. 1983 H.B. 320 & 454)