263.454. 1. The state director of agriculture shall withinthirty days after receipt of the notice from the clerk of thecounty commission as provided in subsection 2 of section 263.452declare such county a "Noxious Weed Control Area" and the countycommission shall cause suitable notice to be published in anewspaper of general circulation in the county for threeconsecutive weeks. The notice shall contain the fact that thecounty has been declared a noxious weed control area, a list ofall noxious weeds and a statement that all property owners in thecounty shall, not later than the April thirtieth immediatelyfollowing the publication of the notice, take steps towardcontrolling noxious weeds on all lands owned by them or undertheir control.
2. The county commission of any county declared a noxiousweed control area shall, within ten days after such declaration,appoint a county weed control board, composed of three citizensof the county, to serve as advisors and to assist in theadministration of sections 263.450 to 263.474, and to performsuch other duties related to the control of noxious weeds asprescribed by the county commission. Members of the board shallreceive no salary but shall be fairly reimbursed by the countycommission for actual and necessary expenses incurred inperformance of their duties. Appointments to the county weedcontrol board shall be for terms of three years, except that ofthe initial appointments, one person shall be appointed for oneyear, one person shall be appointed for two years and one personshall be appointed for three years. Each year thereafter, oneperson shall be appointed to fill the expired term.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1199 ยง 3)