263.472. 1. Upon the motion of the county commission or upon thepetition of one hundred landowners in any county which has elected to declareitself a Johnson grass extermination area pursuant to sections 263.255 to263.267, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the county at thenext general election the question of converting a Johnson grass exterminationprogram, established pursuant to sections 263.255 to 263.267, to a noxiousweed control program pursuant to sections 263.450 to 263.474. The questionshall be submitted substantially as follows:
Shall the county of ................... convert its Johnson grassextermination program to a noxious weed control program pursuant to sections263.450 to 263.474, RSMo, and authorize the county commission to levy a tax ofup to fifteen cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation toprovide funds for the control of noxious weeds, and to use taxes alreadycollected under the Johnson grass extermination law for these purposes?
â ã YES â ã NO
(Place an X in the square opposite the one for which you wish to vote.)
2. The election thereon shall be conducted, votes canvassed, and theresults declared in the manner provided in chapter 115, RSMo, for countygeneral elections.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1199 § 12)