266.105. When in the performance of his duties the directorof agriculture applies to any court for a temporary or permanentinjunction restraining any person from violation or continuing toviolate any of the provisions of this law or any rules andregulations under this law, the court may cause a temporaryrestraining order or a temporary or permanent injunction toissue. The provisions of chapter 526, RSMo, to the contrarynotwithstanding, the state, when acting as party plaintiff in anaction for a temporary restraining order or temporary orpermanent injunction under this section, shall execute a bond tothe other party, in such sum as the court deems sufficient tosecure the amount or other matter to be restrained or enjoined,and all changes that may be occasioned by the restraining orderor injunction to the parties restrained or enjoined, or to anyparty interested in the subject matter of the controversy,conditioned that the state will abide the decision in thecontroversy, and pay all sums of money, damages and costs thatshall be adjudged against the state if the temporary restrainingorder or injunction is dissolved.
(L. 1979 H.B. 57)