266.505. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, asused in sections 266.500 to 266.550, the following terms have thefollowing meanings:
(1) "Agricultural limestone", finely ground or crushedlimestone, either calcitic or dolomitic, which shall have aminimum specification of ninety percent of the material passingthrough a United States standard number eight sieve;
(2) "Agricultural liming material mixture" includesagricultural liming materials and any other compound in amixture, including, but not limited to, fertilizer materials,pesticides, water or other products mixed with agriculturalliming materials. Minimum specifications of fineness and purityas set forth in sections 266.500 to 266.550, and the rulespromulgated under sections 266.500 to 266.550, must be met on theagricultural liming material prior to its being mixed with othercompounds;
(3) "Agricultural liming materials", those materialscontaining calcium or calcium and magnesium in the carbonate,oxide or hydroxide form or a combination thereof, which arecapable of neutralizing soil acidity and supplying plantnutrients;
(4) "Brand", the term, designation, trademark, productionname or other specific designation under which individualagricultural liming materials are offered for sale;
(5) "Bulk", nonpackaged form;
(6) "Director", the director of the Missouri agriculturalexperiment station at Columbia, Missouri;
(7) "Distributor", any person who imports, consigns,manufactures or produces agricultural liming materials or offersfor sale, sells, orders or otherwise supplies agricultural limingmaterials for consumption or use in this state, except that thisterm shall not apply to any person who purchases agriculturalliming materials from a distributor registered under sections266.500 to 266.550 and which has once been sold in compliancewith sections 266.500 to 266.550;
(8) "Label", any written or printed matter on or attached tothe delivery ticket which accompanies bulk shipments;
(9) "Metric ton", two thousand, two hundred avoirdupoispounds;
(10) "Official sieve analysis of agricultural limingmaterials", analysis determined by the Association of OfficialAnalytical Chemists wet sieve method;
(11) "Other agricultural liming materials", calcium orcalcium and magnesium in the carbonate, oxide, or hydroxide form,or a combination thereof, which is capable of neutralizing soilacidity and which meets the same minimum fineness specificationsas those for crushed or ground limestone, except for speciallyprocessed materials which must meet specifications as set forthin the rules and regulations;
(12) "Percent or percentage", by weight;
(13) "Permanent fixed plants", stationary crushing andscreening equipment which is immobile;
(14) "Person", any individual, partnership, association,firm, or corporation;
(15) "Portable plants", mobile crushing and screeningequipment mounted on wheels;
(16) "Producer", an individual, firm, partnership, orcorporation, who in the operation of a limestone quarry crushesor grinds agricultural liming materials or who producesagricultural limestone or agricultural liming materials as aresidue or by-product of mining, milling or processing of ore;
(17) "Ton", two thousand avoirdupois pounds.
(L. 1976 H.B. 1630 ยง 2, A.L. 1985 S.B. 65)Effective 5-30-85
*Transferred 1978; formerly 256.505