266.520. 1. Every producer or distributor shall, withinthirty days after each six-months' period ending June thirtiethand December thirty-first, file with the director on formssupplied by him, a certificate setting forth the amount ofagricultural liming materials sold by each producer ordistributor for consumption or use in the state of Missouriduring each such respective period. At the time of filing thecertificate, each producer or distributor shall pay to thedirector the fee prescribed by the director by rule which fee maynot exceed ten cents per ton or eleven cents per metric ton. Inthe event that the director has not prescribed a fee under thissection, each producer or distributor shall pay a fee of fourcents for each ton or four and four-tenths cents for each metricton of agricultural liming materials sold by him during theperiod covered by the certificate filed under this section.
2. The amount of the inspection fee shall be added to andclearly stated on each sales statement or invoice. The fee sopaid to the director shall be used for defraying the expenses inadministering sections 266.500 to 266.550 and the rulespromulgated under sections 266.500 to 266.550, and for practicaland scientific experiments by the Missouri agriculturalexperiment station in the proper use of agricultural limingmaterials. The fee may also be used to support related researchand methodology, publications and educational programs extendingthe results of these agricultural liming materials experiments asmay be of practical use to the farmers of this state.
(L. 1976 H.B. 1630 ยง 5, A.L. 1985 S.B. 65)Effective 5-30-85
*Transferred 1978; formerly 256.520