266.540. 1. The director shall, upon receipt of theanalysis provided in section 266.535, certify the percent calciumcarbonate equivalent, percent magnesium content, fineness,effective magnesium per ton, and effective neutralizing materialper ton, of the liming material to the producer or distributorfrom whom the sample was obtained by forwarding written notice byUnited States mail.
2. Nothing in sections 266.500 to 266.550 shall preclude aproducer or distributor of agricultural liming materials fromhaving a certification on separate stockpiles; provided that, thestockpiles shall be separated from any other stockpiles, and theseparate stockpiles shall have been sampled as provided insections 266.500 to 266.550.
3. Agricultural liming materials produced and stockpiledprior to the enactment of sections 266.500 to 266.550 shall besubject to the same provisions of sections 266.500 to 266.550 asapply to sampling for analyses and certification.
4. Final responsibility for the guarantee of effectivemagnesium and effective neutralizing material per ton is vestedin the producer or distributor making delivery of agriculturalliming materials for distribution or spreading on farms oragricultural lands or other land for the purpose of decreasingsoil acidity and adding calcium or calcium and magnesium tosoils.
5. Where the producer or distributor has possession ofagricultural liming materials which fail to meet the guaranteedanalysis, the producer or distributor may sell this material onlyafter adjusting the guaranteed analysis to the correct analyses.
(L. 1976 H.B. 1630 ยง 9)*Transferred 1978; formerly 256.540