267.050. Whenever the state veterinary surgeon shall find itimpossible to perform alone in an effective manner the dutiesimposed by sections 267.010 to 267.460, the director ofagriculture, with the advice of the veterinarian, may appoint, asmay be needed, one or more deputy state veterinary surgeons, whoshall be competent veterinarians, graduated from some reputableveterinary school or college. Such deputy veterinary surgeonshall have, when on duty, the same power and same protection asnow provided in sections 267.010 to 267.460 for the said stateveterinary surgeon, and shall work under his direction andinstructions. The state director of agriculture may also employnonprofessional men and special experts as agents or inspectorswhenever such a means shall become absolutely necessary to carryout this law properly or enforce the regulations of quarantine aspossible in cases of emergency provided against by sections267.240 and 267.250.
(RSMo 1939 § 14222)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12542; 1919 § 12101; 1909 § 725