267.250. 1. The governor, when informed by the stateveterinarian that contagious or infectious livestock disease hasbecome largely disseminated or epidemic among domestic animalsthroughout any municipality or geographical district in thisstate, or is found to exist in any herd or herds in this state,may call the director of agriculture and the state veterinariantogether, and said director and said veterinarian shall, ifdeemed necessary to eradicate or prevent the spread of suchdisease, formulate for the state veterinarian and the countycommissions rules and regulations under which stock capable ofcarrying said diseases, or any of them, shall be permitted tomove to other parts of the state; such rules and regulationsshall be subject to the approval of the governor, who thereuponshall issue his proclamation scheduling and quarantining suchlocalities, and forbidding the carrying or transportation ormoving of all domestic animals of the kind diseased from suchmunicipalities or district or county to another, or from onepremises to another, or over any public highway or any lot orground not sufficiently fenced to prevent animals from goingthrough or from being brought into such infected districts,municipalities or counties except in accordance with theaforesaid rules and regulations.
2. The county commission or other legally substituted courtof the county in which such infected locality or district shallhave been quarantined by the governor, shall be notified by thestate veterinarian, and furnished with copies of saidregulations. Said county commission shall thereupon comply withsaid rules and regulations, and issue order to the sheriff toassist said state veterinarian in carrying out the provisions ofthe same.
(RSMo 1939 § 14207, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1816)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12536; 1919 § 12095; 1909 § 718
Effective 5-10-78