267.380. 1. The state veterinarian and any inspector orperson authorized by said state veterinarian, or by himappointed, to assist in the work of applying the tubercular testprovided for under sections 267.010 to 267.460, may enter anybarn or barns, yard, pasture or other building or enclosure wherecattle may be kept or found, for the purpose of making inspectionand applying said tuberculin test in conformance with uniformmethods and rules of the United States Department of Agriculture.
2. Any owner or custodian of any domestic animal or animalsby said state veterinarian required or found necessary to beinspected, examined or tested, by his order, for the purpose ofdetermining the presence or absence of disease in or upon saidanimal or animals shall have the right and authority to confineand otherwise restrain, as far as possible, said animals in suchmanner and at such times as may be prescribed and directed by thestate veterinarian.
3. In the event of the failure of such owner or custodianfor any reason to confine or otherwise restrain such animal oranimals, it shall be the duty of the state veterinarian or hisdeputy or assistants to certify such refusal to the actingsheriff of the county wherein such animal or animals are found,and following such notice to the sheriff of said county it shallbe his duty to forthwith cause such animal or animals to be soconfined or otherwise restrained in order that the stateveterinarian or his assistants may apply the necessary tests ormake such examination as may be necessary to determine thepresence or absence of the disease for which the animal oranimals are to be inspected.
(RSMo 1939 § 14225, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1816)Prior revision: 1929 § 12545
Effective 5-10-78