267.400. The state veterinarian shall have power andauthority to make and enforce such regulations as may benecessary to control and prevent the spread of tuberculosis amonganimals in such county and for the creation and maintenance ofsuch county as a modified accredited area to the extent and sothat the same shall conform with the rules and regulationspromulgated by the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture ofthe United States to the end that such county may be recognizedand adopted by the United States Department of Agriculture as amodified accredited area; provided, further, that the stateveterinarian shall have authority in his discretion to quarantineor cause to be quarantined the animal or animals in custody of orowned by any person who refuses to cooperate with the stateveterinarian in the eradication and control of tuberculosis orany other contagious or infectious disease which is beingattempted to be controlled or eradicated in such county, and thatno offspring or product of such animal or animals underquarantine shall be disposed of by said custodian or ownerwithout written permission of the state veterinarian.
(RSMo 1939 § 14227, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1816)Prior revision: 1929 § 12547
Effective 5-10-78