267.565. Unless the context requires otherwise, as used in sections267.560 to 267.660, the following terms mean:
(1) "Accredited approved veterinarian", a veterinarian who has beenaccredited by the United States Department of Agriculture and approved bythe state department of agriculture and who is duly licensed under the lawsof Missouri to engage in the practice of veterinary medicine, or aveterinarian domiciled and practicing veterinary medicine in a state otherthan Missouri, duly licensed under laws of the state in which he resides,accredited by the United States Department of Agriculture, and approved bythe chief livestock sanitary official of that state;
(2) "Animal", an animal of the equine, bovine, porcine, ovine,caprine, or species domesticated or semidomesticated;
(3) "Approved laboratory", a laboratory approved by the department;
(4) "Approved vaccine" or "bacterin", a vaccine or bacterin producedunder the license of the United States Department of Agriculture andapproved by the department for the immunization of animals againstinfectious and contagious disease;
(5) "Bird", a bird of the avian species;
(6) "Certified free herd", a herd of cattle, swine, goats or a flockof sheep or birds which has met the requirements and the conditions setforth in sections 267.560 to 267.660 and as required by the department andas recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture, and for suchstatus for a specific disease and for a herd of cattle, swine, goats orflock of sheep or birds in another state which has met those minimumrequirements and conditions under the supervision of the livestock sanitaryauthority of the state in which said animals or birds are domiciled, and asrecommended by the United States Department of Agriculture for such statusfor a specific disease;
(7) "Department" or "department of agriculture", the department ofagriculture of the state of Missouri, and when by this law the saiddepartment of agriculture is charged to perform a duty, it shall beunderstood to authorize the performance of such duty by the director ofagriculture of the state of Missouri, or by the state veterinarian of thestate of Missouri or his duly authorized deputies acting under thesupervision of the director of agriculture;
(8) "Infected animal" or "infected bird", an animal or bird whichshows a positive reaction to any recognized serological test or growth onculture or any other recognized test for the detection of any disease oflivestock or poultry as approved by the department or when clinicalsymptoms and history justifies designating such animal or bird as beinginfected with a contagious or infectious disease;
(9) "Isolated" or "isolation", a condition in which animals or birdsare quarantined to a certain designated premises and quarantined separatelyand apart from any other animals or birds on adjacent premises;
(10) "Licensed market", a market as defined and licensed underchapter 277, RSMo;
(11) "Livestock", horses, cattle, swine, sheep, goats, ratite birdsincluding but not limited to ostrich and emu, aquatic products as definedin section 277.024, RSMo, llamas, alpaca, buffalo, elk documented asobtained from a legal source and not from the wild and raised inconfinement for human consumption or animal husbandry, poultry and otherdomesticated animals or birds;
(12) "Official health certificate" is a legal record covering therequirements of the state of Missouri executed on an official form of thestandard size from the state of origin and approved by the proper livestocksanitary official of the state of origin or an equivalent form provided bythe United States Department of Agriculture and issued by an approved,accredited, licensed, graduate veterinarian;
(13) "Public stockyards", any public stockyards located within thestate of Missouri and subject to regulations of the United StatesDepartment of Agriculture or the Missouri department of agriculture;
(14) "Quarantine", a condition in which an animal or bird of anyspecies is restricted in movement to a particular premises under such termsand conditions as may be designated by order of the state veterinarian orhis duly authorized deputies;
(15) "Traders" or "dealers", any person, firm or corporation engagedin the business of buying, selling or exchange of livestock on any basisother than on a commission basis at any sale pen, concentration point,farm, truck or other conveyance including persons, firms or corporationsemployed as an agent of the vendor or purchaser excluding public stockyardsunder federal supervision or markets licensed under sections 267.560 to267.660 and under the supervision of the department, breed associationsales or any private farm sale.
(L. 1959 H.B. 501 ยง 2, A.L. 1993 H.B. 566 merged with S.B. 84, A.L. 1995 S.B. 109, A.L. 2005 S.B. 355)