267.570. 1. No livestock or animals that are affected withor that have recently been exposed to any infectious, contagiousor communicable disease or which originate from a quarantinedarea, shall be shipped or in any manner transported or moved intoor through the state until written permission for such entry,transportation or movement is first obtained from the stateveterinarian of Missouri except those diseased animals which areapproved for interstate shipment under specified restrictions bythe Animal Disease Eradication Division, Agriculture ResearchService, United States Department of Agriculture.
2. All livestock shipped or in any manner transported intothis state shall be accompanied by an official health certificateor permit or both which must be attached to a waybill or shall bein the possession of the driver of the vehicle or person incharge of the livestock except as otherwise provided in sections267.560 to 267.660 or regulations adopted by the department;provided, however, that an official health certificate shall notbe required for any livestock consigned to public stockyards orlicensed markets under federal or state supervision if a waybill,bill of lading or certificate of ownership accompanies theshipment showing the consignor and the point of origin of theshipment and the public stockyards or licensed market to whichthe shipment is consigned, unless otherwise required by the stateveterinarian.
3. A copy of the official health certificate shall beforwarded immediately by the most rapid means available to thelivestock sanitary official of the state of origin for hisapproval and transmittal to the state veterinarian. All suchhealth certificates shall contain the approval of the stateveterinarian or other livestock sanitary official or agency inthe state of origin.
4. Livestock or herds entering the state without an officialhealth certificate or permit or both when required shall be heldin quarantine at the owner's risk and expense for observation,tests, vaccination, dipping, treatment and reinspection and untilreleased by the department.
5. Requirements for the exhibition of livestock or herdsshall be secured by contacting the state veterinarian ofMissouri.
6. All animals covered in sections 267.560 to 267.660originating from public stockyards or licensed markets located inthis state or which may be assembled at such public stockyards,licensed markets, or any concentration point in this state fromsources of unknown origin shall be required to meet regulationsof the department or the laws and regulations of the state ofdestination before being released.
(L. 1959 H.B. 501 ยง 3)