267.605. 1. All laboratories, whether privately operated orotherwise, shall be required to report the results of theirfindings of contagious, communicable or infectious disease inspecimens submitted to them and as may be required by thedepartment.
2. All persons operating such laboratories shall makeapplication and shall obtain a permit from the department inorder to conduct diagnostic tests on any kind of animals or birdsor tissues therefrom, as may be submitted by such laboratories.
3. Before issuing a permit, the department shall determinethat the laboratory does qualify for such permit. The departmentshall also at any time suspend or revoke the laboratory's permitfor failure to comply with the provisions of sections 267.560 to267.660 and the rules of the department.
4. Effective on and after January 1, 1960, the use of liveor virulent hog cholera virus is prohibited, except as providedfor in the rules of the department.
5. It shall be unlawful for any owner of livestock oranimals as defined in sections 267.560 to 267.660, or for anyveterinarian to withhold knowledge of or fail to report theexistence of any contagious or communicable disease of livestockor animals owned or examined by him or in his possession.
(L. 1959 H.B. 501 ยง 10)