267.650. Livestock, animals or birds which are held, movedor transported in violation of the provisions of sections 267.560to 267.660, or the rules and regulations adopted hereunder, shallbe seized and taken into custody by an authorized agent of thedepartment of agriculture or by any state or county lawenforcement officer at the request of the department. Thedepartment shall impound and hold all animals or birds seized andtaken into custody at the owner's expense and without liabilityto the department. Animals or birds so seized and impounded maybe redeemed by the owner and released to him by the departmentonly after all such animals or birds have been tested, vaccinatedand properly identified, if infected, by the state veterinarianor his agent. In order to redeem the animals or birds, the ownershall pay all expenses including the care and feeding of suchanimals or birds and the expense of testing, vaccinating oridentifying. All infected animals or birds shall be consigned bythe owner to slaughter upon redemption. If the animals or birdsare not redeemed by the owner within five days after seizure, thedepartment may apply to the circuit court of any county in whichthe animals or birds are impounded and the department under courtorder shall sell such animals or birds for slaughter and deductfrom the net proceeds thereof all expenses of the department inconnection with the seizure and impoundment of such animals orbirds and remit the balance to the owner.
(L. 1959 H.B. 501 ยง 19, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)Effective 1-2-79