267.717. 1. All persons engaged in the shearing of sheep orgoats shall, within thirty days, register with the department onforms provided by the department and shall further register onthe first day of January of each calendar year thereafter. Anyperson not so registered shall not engage in the shearing ofsheep or goats other than his own.
2. All persons engaged in the shearing of sheep and goats incounties having scabies as determined by the department shallclean and disinfect all equipment immediately following thecompletion of each shearing operation and before leaving thepremises. The cleaning and disinfecting shall be in accordancewith procedures as outlined by the department.
3. All persons engaged in the shearing of sheep or goatsshall, within five days, promptly report any suspicion orevidence of scabies to the state, district or area veterinarianor area livestock inspector, giving name and address of the ownerand exact location of premises.
4. All persons engaged in the shearing of sheep or goatsshall maintain records of all sheep or goats sheared by them,which shall show the number of sheep or goats, the name andaddress of owner, the date of shearing. These records shall bemade available to a representative of the department or divisionupon demand and shall be retained for a period of one year.
(L. 1961 p. 26 ยง 14)