269.025. 1. The director, upon his own information or uponthe complaint of any person, may institute an investigationincluding the inspection of any premises or vehicle upon whichany dead animal except wildlife taken under the Missouri wildlifecode is or may be found, and if any violation of this chapter isdeemed to exist the director may assess a civil penalty not toexceed one thousand dollars. Any person against whom a civilpenalty has been assessed under the provisions of this sectionmay request and shall be granted a hearing in the county of theresidence of said person, before the director in the mannerprovided in section 536.063, RSMo. Procedures and appeals shallbe governed by the provisions of section 536.150, RSMo.
2. All civil penalties and assessments for violations shallbe expended in accordance with the provisions of article IX,section 7*, of the Missouri Constitution.
(L. 1992 H.B. 878)*Original rolls show article IX, section 10, of the Missouri Constitution, an apparent typographical error.