269.080. The state veterinarian is authorized to grant apermit or license permitting the bodies of dead animals to betransported over the highways of this state to a disposal plantlocated outside the boundaries of this state, with properidentification tags, to a resident truck owner upon the paymentof a fee of twenty-five dollars per annum for the first suchtruck and a fee of ten dollars per annum for each such additionaltruck, permitting such truck owner to transport dead bodiesoutside the state, providing the truck owner and his truck meetthe conditions and specifications of this chapter, together withsuch rules and regulations as the state veterinarian mayprescribe, and further, that in any section or locality of thisstate which is now or which may hereafter be served in a sanitarymanner by a dead animal disposal plant located outside theboundaries of this state, the state veterinarian is authorized toissue a permit or license, with proper identification tags, tosuch owner or operator operating any truck owned by or servingsuch nonresident disposal plant, upon proper application andpayment of a fee of fifty dollars per annum for the first suchtruck owned or leased and operated in Missouri by or for saidnonresident disposal plant and ten dollars per annum for eachadditional truck or vehicle owned or leased and operated inMissouri by or for said nonresident disposal plant and twentydollars per annum for each substation operated by or for suchnonresident dead animal disposal plant; such permit or licenseshall permit any such truck owner or operator to transport suchbodies of dead animals to any disposal plant outside of thisstate providing the vehicle or vehicles used by such truck owneror operator meet the standards and specifications prescribedfor such vehicles by this chapter, and such rules and regulationsas prescribed by the state veterinarian under this chapter for thetransportation of bodies of dead animals within this state.Application for such permit or license shall contain an agreementby the owner or operator of said vehicle that he shall fullycomply with the provisions of section 269.150, and that theoperator thereof shall, upon reentering this state afterunloading at such disposal plant, be prepared to certify underoath that the acts required in section 269.150 have been fullyperformed. The state veterinarian may for cause issue an orderrevoking or suspending any such permit or license with the rightof the licensee or permittee to appeal as is provided in thischapter for disposal plants located within this state.
(L. 1941 p. 290 ยง 14493i)