269.210. Any person, except one holding a permit to operatesuch a disposal plant in this state, or one holding a permit totransport bodies of dead animals or a substation to hold bodiesof dead animals, or who is acting for such permittee, or who isotherwise excepted by this chapter, who shall advertise in anymanner, whereby he shall indicate that he is engaged intransporting and disposing of dead animals in any manner and forany purpose not excepted in this chapter; or who shall obtainfrom any other person, by purchase or otherwise, the body of anysuch dead animal, in whole or in any part, for the purpose oftransporting the same over any highway of this state and ofdisposing of the carcass, or the hide, skin, grease, or otherproducts, of such dead animal, to any person or by any methodshall be guilty of violating this chapter, and shall be subjectto all the penalties of this chapter.
(L. 1941 p. 290 ยง 14493s, A.L. 1992 H.B. 878)