271.010. No person shall post any animal as a stray until heshall have given thirty days' notice of his intention to do so,which notice shall be given within two days after such animal istaken up. And no person shall take up as a stray any unbrokenanimal between the first day of April and the first day ofNovember; provided, that any animal which shall have broken overor through a lawful fence and be found within any person'senclosure, may at any time be taken up by such person and postedas a stray. And no person not a householder shall have authorityto take up or post any stray animal unless he first enter into abond to the state of Missouri, for the use of the owner, indouble the amount of the value of the animal or animals taken up,with sureties, approved by the associate circuit judge beforewhom the animal shall be posted.
(RSMo 1939 § 14498)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12824; 1919 § 4314; 1909 § 815
Domestic animals restrained from running at large, when, Chap. 270, RSMo