271.250. The taker-up may, at any time after the expirationof one year from the time of taking up and after the receipt bythe collector of the tax book, turn over the stray to thecollector; provided, he has taken proper care of said stray andotherwise complied with the provisions of this chapter, and shallhereafter be discharged from further liability; in which case thecollector shall sell said stray, and pay into the countytreasury, to the use of the county school fund, the whole amountrealized by such sale, less the expenses of the sale and theamount of fees charged on the stray delinquent list, which feesshall be paid to the parties entitled thereto.
(RSMo 1939 § 14522)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12848; 1919 § 4338; 1909 § 839