271.320. 1. For services rendered in accordance with theprovisions of this chapter, the taker-up shall receive thefollowing fees, and no more:
(1) For taking up any horse, mule, ass or neat cattle,twenty-five cents;
(2) For taking up any hog, sheep or goat, twelve andone-half cents; and
(3) For each affidavit filed with the associate circuitjudge which shall embrace all strays taken up at one time, fiftycents;
(4) For setting up the notices required by law, one dollarand twenty-five cents; and
(5) For transmitting same to county or other paper forpublication, twenty-five cents.
2. Each appraiser shall receive fifty cents.
(RSMo 1939 § 14529)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12855; 1919 § 4345; 1909 § 849