274.070. 1. Each association formed under this chapter mustprepare and file articles of incorporation, setting forth:
(1) The name of the association;
(2) The purposes for which it is formed;
(3) The place where its principal business will betransacted;
(4) The term for which it is to exist, which may be for anynumber of years or may be perpetual;
(5) The number of directors thereof, which must be not lessthan five and may be any number in excess thereof; the term ofoffice of such directors; and the names and addresses of those whoare to serve as incorporating directors for the first term, anduntil the election and qualification of their successors;
(6) Whether the property rights and interest of each membershall be equal or unequal; and if unequal, the general rule orrules applicable to all members by which the property rights andinterests, respectively, of each member may and shall bedetermined and fixed; provision for the admission of new memberswho shall be entitled to share in the property of the associationwith the old members, in accordance with such general rule orrules; the qualifications for membership, and if more than oneclass of membership is provided for, the number of directors tobe elected by each class of membership. The provision orparagraph of the articles of incorporation shall not be altered,amended, or repealed except by the written consent or vote ofthree-fourths of the members voting thereon.
2. The articles must be subscribed by the incorporators andacknowledged by one of them before an officer authorized by thelaw of this state to take and certify acknowledgments of deedsand conveyances; and shall be filed in accordance with theprovisions of the general corporation law of this state; and whenso filed the said articles of incorporation, or certified copiesthereof, shall be received in all the courts of this state andother places as prima facie evidence of the facts containedtherein and of the due and legal incorporation of suchassociation.
(RSMo 1939 § 14338, A.L. 1945 p. 78)Prior revision: 1929 § 12680