275.452. In addition to any other licenses and chargesimposed by law, there shall be collected by the director of thedepartment of agriculture and paid to the director of thedepartment of revenue for deposit in the aquaculture marketingdevelopment fund an additional charge of three dollars per tonof fish food or fraction thereof purchased by commercialproducers in this state. As used in sections 275.450 to275.455, the term "fish food", means food, purchased in bulk orbag quantities, used to feed fish, whether or not such food isused for fish held for sale, and the term "commercial producer"means a commercial producer or seller of fish or fish productswho purchases at least two thousand pounds of fish food in acalendar year, but such term shall not include the state, anystate department or any political subdivision of the state. Thecharges shall be paid and collected pursuant to section 275.455.
(L. 1989 H.B. 214 ยง 275.450 subsec. 1)