275.462. 1. There is hereby created the "Missouri Wine Marketing andResearch Council" which shall consist of five members elected by commercialproducers. The members of the council shall be citizens and residents ofthe state and shall be commercial producers. Each member shall be electedfor a term of three years, except that of the members first elected, oneshall be elected for a term of one year, two shall be elected for a term oftwo years and two shall be elected for a term of three years. Vacancies inthe council shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner asoriginal elections are made.
2. All members may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expensesincurred by them in the performance of their duties.
3. The council shall:
(1) Provide a list of commercial producers of wine in this state tothe department of agriculture;
(2) Administer the Missouri wine marketing and research developmentfund;
(3) Elect from among their membership a president, vice president,and secretary-treasurer, whose duties shall be established in the bylaws ofthe council;
(4) Draft and adopt bylaws of the council;
(5) Communicate with commercial producers in order to enhance enologyresearch, education and development of markets for wine produced inMissouri;
(6) Perform any other duties deemed necessary to carry out thefunctions described in this subsection.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1240)