286.200. 1. The "Governor's Committee on Employment ofPeople with Disabilities" will hereafter be known as the"Governor's Council on Disability" and is hereby assigned to thedepartment of labor and industrial relations.
2. The council shall consist of a chairperson, twentymembers and an executive director.
3. The chairperson shall be appointed by the governor withthe advice and consent of the senate. The members of the councilshall be appointed by the governor. Recruitment and appointmentof members to the council shall provide for representation ofvarious ethnic, age, gender and physical and mental disabilitygroups.
4. (1) The nine members of the governor's committee on theemployment of people with disabilities whose terms of officeexpire in October of 1995 and the four members of the governor'scommittee on the employment of people with disabilities whoseterms of office expire in October of 1997 shall be deemed membersof the council on disability. Of the ten members of thecommittee on the employment of people with disabilities whoseterms of office expired in October of 1993 and any vacancies onthe committee on the employment* of people with disabilities, onlyseven shall be appointed to the council;
(2) The terms of office for the chairperson and the sevencouncil members first appointed after August 28, 1994, shall beas follows:
(a) The term of office for one of the initial new councilmembers shall expire in October of 1995;
(b) The terms of office for the chairperson and the othersix initial council members shall expire in October of 1997, sothat one-half of the members of the council may be chosen everysecond year.
5. The funds necessary for the executive director and suchother personnel as necessary shall be appropriated through thedepartment of labor and industrial relations. The executivedirector shall serve under the supervision of the committeechairman. The executive director shall be exempted from thestate merit system.
6. All successor members shall be appointed for four-yearterms. Vacancies occurring in the membership of the council forany reason shall be filled by appointment by the governor for theunexpired term. Upon expiration of their terms, members of thecouncil shall continue to hold office until the appointment andqualification of their successors. No person shall be appointedfor more than two consecutive terms, except that a personappointed to fill a vacancy may serve for two additionalsuccessive terms. The governor may remove a member for cause.
7. Members of the council shall be chosen to meet thefollowing criteria:
(1) The majority of the council shall be comprised ofpeople with disabilities, representing the various disabilitygroups. The remaining positions shall be filled by familymembers of people with disabilities, persons who represent otherdisability-related groups, and other advocates. A personconsidered to have a disability shall meet the federal definitionof disability as defined by P.L. 101-336;
(2) The council shall include at least one member from eachcongressional district;
(3) Members of the council shall be knowledgeable aboutdisability-related issues and have demonstrated a commitment tofull participation of people with disabilities in all aspects ofcommunity life.
8. The chairperson of the council shall serve withoutcompensation but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessarytravel and other expenses incurred in the performance of theduties as chairperson of the council on disability. The membersof the council shall serve without compensation but may bereimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred inattending all meetings provided for by sections 286.200 to286.210.
9. The council shall meet at least once each calendarquarter to conduct its business. The executive director shallgive written notice by mail to each member of the time and placeof each meeting of the council at least ten days before thescheduled date of the meetings, and notice of any specialmeetings shall state the specific matters to be considered in thespecial meeting which is not a regular quarterly meeting.
10. The chairperson, with the advice and consent of thecouncil, shall appoint an executive director who shall serve as anonvoting member and executive officer of the council. Theexecutive director shall serve under the supervision of thechairperson of the council. The executive director shall be aperson who is knowledgeable about disability-related issues andhas demonstrated a commitment to full participation of peoplewith disabilities in all aspects of community life.
11. All information, documents, records and contracts ofthe committee on employment of people with disabilities shallbecome those of the council on disability.
12. The director of each state department shall designateat least one employee who shall act as a liaison with thecouncil.
(L. 1977 H.B. 577 ยง 1, A.L. 1984 S.B. 464, A.L. 1989 S.B. 88, A.L. 1994 S.B. 672)*Words "on the employment" do not appear in original rolls.