287.145. 1. Any person who has met the requirements insection 287.144 for a rehabilitation practitioner shall requestin written form certification from the division. The divisionshall, after confirming that such person meets thequalifications of a rehabilitation practitioner, register andcertify that the person is a certified rehabilitationpractitioner.
2. Rehabilitation practitioners who do not work for anapproved rehabilitation provider and who enter the vocationalrehabilitation workers' compensation field after January 1,1990, must obtain certification by the national board forcertified counselor certification, or such person must meet thequalifications set forth by the Missouri division of workers'compensation.
3. Rehabilitation providers, as defined in section 287.144,must request in written form certification from the division.The division shall, upon confirming that the rehabilitationprovider meets the requirements set forth in section 287.144,register and certify such provider.
(L. 1990 S.B. 751)Effective 7-1-91