290.090. The employees of the operators of allmanufactories, including plate glass manufactories, operatedwithin this state shall be regularly paid in full of all wagesdue them at least once in every fifteen days, in lawful money,and at no pay day shall there be withheld from the earnings ofany employee any sum to exceed the amount due him for his laborfor five days next preceding any such pay day. Any such operatorwho fails and refuses to pay his employees, their agents, assignsor anyone duly authorized to collect such wages, as in thissection provided, shall become immediately liable to any suchemployee, his agents or assigns for an amount double the sum duesuch employee at the time of such failure to pay the wages due,to be recovered by civil action in any court of competentjurisdiction within this state, and no employee, within themeaning of this section, shall be deemed to have waived any rightaccruing to him under this section by any contract he may makecontrary to the provisions hereof.
(RSMo 1939 § 10175)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13214; 1919 § 6775; 1909 § 7817