292.050. The openings of all hatchways, elevators andwellholes upon every floor of every manufacturing, mechanical ormercantile or public building in this state shall be protected bygood and sufficient trapdoors or self-closing hatches or safetycatches, or strong guard rails at least three feet high, and alldue diligence shall be used to keep such trapdoors closed at alltimes, except when in actual use by the occupant of the buildinghaving the use and control of the same. Whenever the director ofthe inspection section, or one of his assistants or deputies,finds any violations of the foregoing requirement to guardhatchways, elevators and wellholes, he shall at once, in writing,notify the owner or owners thereof, or the person or persons incharge of said appliance or appliances, to make the necessaryalterations, additions or repairs within ten days; and if saidalterations, additions or repairs are not made within ten daysfrom the date of such notice, the director or his assistant ordeputy, shall seal such appliance or appliances in such a manneras to render the same inoperative until there has been compliancewith the order of the director.
(RSMo 1939 § 10185)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13225; 1919 § 6789; 1909 § 7830
(1978) This statute is only for protection of employees in building where elevator is located and does not preempt the field of elevator safety for municipalities to make regulations for the health and safety of the general public. Temple Building v. Building Code Board of Appeals of the City of Kansas City (A.), 567 S.W.2d 406.