292.180. Whenever the director of the inspection section orone of his assistants or deputies, finds that the heating,lighting, ventilation or sanitary arrangements of anyestablishment where labor is employed is such as to be dangerousto the health or safety of employees therein or thereat, or themeans of egress, in case of fire or other disaster, are notsufficient, or that the building, or any part thereof, is unsafe,or that the belting, shafting, gearing, elevators, drums or othermachinery are located so as to be dangerous to employees, and notsufficiently guarded, or that the vats, pans, ladles orstructures filled with molten or hot liquid, or any furnace, benot sufficiently surrounded with proper safeguards, or theplatforms, passageways and other arrangements around, in or aboutany railroad yard or switch be such as to probably lead to injuryor accident to those employed in, around, or about any suchestablishment or place, shall at once, in writing, order theowner or owners, or the person or persons in charge of suchestablishment or place to make the alterations or additionsnecessary within ten days; and if such alterations or additionsbe not made within ten days from the date of such order, thensuch failure to make such alterations shall be deemed a violationof sections 292.010 to 292.250, and in addition to the penaltiesherein prescribed for such violations, the director, or hisassistant or deputy, shall be and is hereby empowered to, and heshall seal said defective appliance or appliances in such manneras to render the same inoperative until said order of theinspector has been complied with.
(RSMo 1939 § 10197)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13237; 1919 § 6801; 1909 § 7842
Food handling establishments, sanitation requirements, RSMo 196.190 to 196.265
Inspection of mines and safety of miners, powers and duties of mine inspectors, Chap. 293, RSMo
Public service commission, powers and duties in relation to health and safety of employees and public, RSMo 386.310