292.370. No employee shall take or be allowed to take anyfood or drink of any kind into any room or apartment in which anyprocess or manufacture or labor referred to in section 292.310 iscarried on, or in which poisonous substances or injurious ornoxious fumes, dusts or gases are present as the result of suchwork or process being carried on in such room or apartment, andthe employees shall not remain in any such room or apartmentduring the time allowed for meals, and suitable provision shallbe made and maintained by the employer for enabling the employeesto take their meals elsewhere in such place of employment, and asufficient number of sanitary drinking fountains containingwholesome drinking water, and providing ice for same, shall beprovided and maintained for the use of the employees withinreasonable access and without cost to them.
(RSMo 1939 § 10218)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13259; 1919 § 6824