292.390. When any flues or other apparatus are used in anysuch process or manufacture or labor referred to in section292.310, and when such flues or other apparatus are being cleanedor emptied, the employer shall in every case provide and maintaina sufficient, adequate and efficient means or device, such ascanvas bags or other approved device, or by dampening the dust,or some other efficient method for catching and collecting thedust and preventing it from unreasonably fouling or polluting theair in which the employees are obliged to work, and, whereverpracticable, the dust occasioned in any process or manufacturereferred to in section 292.310, and in any polishing or finishingtherein, shall be dampened or wet down or covered, and everyreasonable precaution shall be adopted by the employer to preventthe unnecessary creation or raising of dust, and all floors shallbe washed or scrubbed at least once every working day; and suchparts of the work or process as are especially dangerous to theemployees, on account of poisonous fumes, dusts and gases, shall,where practicable, be carried on in separate rooms and undercover of some suitable and efficient device to remove the dangerto the health of such employees as far as may be reasonablyconsistent with the manufacturing process, and the fixtures andtools employed in any such process or manufacture or labor, shallbe thoroughly washed and cleaned at reasonable intervals.
(RSMo 1939 § 10220)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13261; 1919 § 6826