292.490. If in any house, building or structure in processof erection or construction in this state (except a privatehouse, used exclusively as a private residence), the distancebetween the enclosing walls is more than twenty-four feet, in theclear, there shall be built, kept and maintained, properintermediate supports for the joists, which supports shall beeither brick walls, or iron or steel columns, beams, trusses, orgirders, and the floors in all such houses, buildings, orstructures, in process of erection and construction, shall bedesigned and constructed in such manner as to be capable ofbearing in all their parts, in addition to the weight of thefloor construction, partitions and permanent fixtures, andmechanisms that may be set upon the same, a live load of fiftypounds for every square foot of surface in such floors, and it ishereby made the duty of the owner, lessee, builder or contractoror subcontractor of such house, building or structure, or thesuperintendent or agent of either, to see that all the provisionsof this section are complied with.
(RSMo 1939 § 10229)Prior revision: 1929 § 13272