292.540. 1. Whenever it shall come to the notice of thedirector of the inspection section, or the local authority in anycity, town or village in this state, charged with the duty ofenforcing the building laws, that the scaffolding or the slings,hangers, blocks, pulleys, stays, braces, ladders, irons or ropesof any swinging or stationary scaffolding, platforms or othersimilar device, used in the construction, alteration, repairing,removing, cleaning or painting of buildings, bridges or viaducts,within this state are unsafe or liable to prove dangerous to thelife or limb of any person the director of the inspectionsection, or such local authority or authorities shall immediatelycause an inspection to be made of such scaffolding, platform ordevice, or the slings, hangers, blocks, pulleys, stays, braces,ladders, iron or other parts connected therewith.
2. If after examination such scaffolding, platform or deviceor any of such parts, is found to be dangerous to the life orlimb of any person, the director of the inspection section, orsuch local authority shall at once notify the person responsiblefor its erection or maintenance, of such fact, and warn himagainst the use, maintenance or operation thereof, and prohibitthe use thereof, and require the same to be altered, andreconstructed so as to avoid such danger. Such notice may beserved personally upon the person responsible for its erection ormaintenance or by conspicuously affixing it to the scaffolding,platform, or other such device, or the part thereof declared tobe unsafe. After such notice has been so served or affixed, theperson responsible thereof shall cease using and immediatelyremove such scaffolding, platform or other device, or partthereof, and alter or strengthen it in such manner as to renderit safe.
3. The director of the inspection section, or any of hisdeputies, or such local authority, whose duty it is, under theterms of sections 292.450 to 292.540, to examine or test anyscaffolding, platform or other similar device, or part thereof,required to be erected and maintained by this section, shall havefree access at all reasonable hours, to any building, orstructures, or premises containing such scaffolding, platform orother similar device, or parts thereof, or where they may be inuse.
4. All swinging and stationary scaffolding, platforms, andother devices shall be so constructed as to bear four times themaximum weight required to be depended therein, or placedthereon, when in use, and such swinging scaffolding, platform orother device, shall not be so overloaded or overcrowded as torender the same unsafe or dangerous.
(RSMo 1939 § 10230)Prior revision: 1929 § 13273