292.650. 1. In accordance with the adopted standards which areconsistent with the accepted public health practices and recommendations ofthe United States Centers for Disease Control, the state of Missouri shalloffer the hepatitis B immunization to every employee of the state of Missouriwho is determined to be at risk for contracting hepatitis B, as defined by thefederal Occupational Safety and Health Administration blood borne pathogensstandard.
2. The department of health and senior services, in conjunction with thedivision of personnel in the office of administration, shall provide materialsto allow each department of the state to determine if any state employees ofthe department are at risk for occupational exposure to hepatitis B.
3. Every department of the state shall determine which, if any, stateemployees of the department are at-risk employees for occupational exposure tohepatitis B. After such determination, every department shall provide thedepartment of health and senior services with the number of employees, if any,who are determined to be at risk. The department of health and seniorservices shall provide materials for such at-risk employees regardingoccupational exposure to hepatitis B to be distributed by any departmentreporting an at-risk employee.
4. Every department shall distribute the materials regardingoccupational exposure to hepatitis B provided by the department of health andsenior services to all identified at-risk department employees. Everydepartment shall determine the number of at-risk employees requesting thehepatitis B vaccination.
5. Every department shall provide the hepatitis B vaccine to everyidentified at-risk employee requesting the hepatitis B vaccination and shalldetermine the procedure for administering the hepatitis B vaccine to suchemployees.
(L. 1997 H.B. 635 ยง 1, subsecs. 1 to 5)