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294.040. Minors under sixteen not to work in certain occupations.

Minors under sixteen not to work in certain occupations.

294.040. A child under sixteen shall not be employed or permitted towork by any person, firm, or corporation in connection with:

(1) Any power driven machinery, except lawn and garden machinery usedin domestic service at or around a private residence, provided that, thereshall be an agreement between an occupant of the private residence and thechild, and by no other person, firm or corporation, other than a parent,legal custodian or guardian of the child, for the performance of such work;

(2) The oiling, cleaning, maintenance, or washing of machinery;

(3) Any ladders, scaffolding, or their substitute;

(4) Any mine or quarry except in offices or at other nonhazardousemployment;

(5) Stone cutting or polishing except those found in jewelry typebusiness;

(6) Any plant manufacturing, processing, storing, or transportingType A and B explosives, ammunition, or like materials, or in anestablishment in which sales of Type A and B explosive materials make upfifty percent or more of gross sales;

(7) The operation of any motor vehicle;

(8) Any blast furnace, rolling mill, foundry, forging shop, or in anyestablishment where heating of metals is carried on or where cold rolling,stamping, shearing, punching, of metal stock is carried on;

(9) Saw mills, cooperage stock mills, or where woodworking machineryis used;

(10) The operation of freight elevators, hoisting machines or cranes,or on or about any manlifts;

(11) Occupations involving exposure to ionizing or nonionizingradiation or any radioactive substance;

(12) Any occupation involving exposure to any toxic or hazardouschemicals;

(13) Any capacity in or about a motel, resort, hotel, where sleepingaccommodations are furnished except in offices or locations physicallyseparated from the sleeping accommodations;

(14) Any place or establishment in which intoxicating alcoholicliquors or beverages are manufactured, bottled, stored, or sold forconsumption on or off the premises, except in establishments where at leastfifty percent of the gross sales consist of goods, merchandise, orcommodities other than alcoholic beverages;

(15) Any other occupation or place of employment dangerous to thelife, limb, health, or morals of children under the age of sixteen.

(RSMo 1939 § 9622, A.L. 1957 p. 525 § 6, A.L. 1989 H.B. 461, A.L. 1997 S.B. 220)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 14087; 1919 §§ 1122, 1123; 1909 § 1723

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