294.051. A work certificate may be issued after the issuingofficer is satisfied that the employment will serve the bestinterest of the child and, in the first instance, only uponapplication in person of the child with the written consent ofhis parent, legal custodian or guardian or, if deemed necessaryby the issuing officer, the child shall be accompanied by hisparent, guardian or custodian. The certificate may be renewed oranother certificate issued on application of the child with thewritten parental consent but in no case shall a certificate beissued until the issuing officer has received and approved thefollowing papers:
(1) A statement of intention to employ signed by theprospective employer setting forth the specific nature of theoccupation in which he intends to employ the child and the exacthours of the day, the number of hours per day and the days perweek during which the child is to be employed;
(2) Proof of the age of the child by a birth certificate orother documentary evidence of such character in such form as isprescribed by the issuing officer;
(3) A certificate of the physician of the public schools ofthe district in which the child resides or other licensedphysician, if required by the issuing officer, showing that hehas personally examined the child and has found the child in goodmental and physical health and is capable of performing laborwithout injury to his health and mental development;
(4) A certificate of the principal of the school which thechild attends or has attended giving the grades of school workcompleted by the child, except that for children permanentlyexcused from attendance at school under the provisions of chapter167, RSMo, this requirement may be waived.
(L. 1957 p. 525 ยง 9, A.L. 1989 H.B. 461)CROSS REFERENCES:
Part-time school attendance, RSMo 167.051
School attendance officer may investigate claims of exemption from school attendance law, RSMo 67.071
School officers authorized to administer oaths as to ages of children, RSMo 167.101