300.215. The driver of a vehicle intending to turn at an intersectionshall do so as follows:
(1) Right turns: Both the approach for a right turn and a right turnshall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of theroadway, except where multiple turn lanes have been established.
(2) Left turns on two-way roadways: At any intersection wheretraffic is permitted to move in both directions on each roadway enteringthe intersection, an approach for a left turn shall be made in that portionof the right half of the roadway nearest the center line thereof and bypassing to the right of such center line where it enters the intersectionand after entering the intersection the left turn shall be made so as toleave the intersection to the right of the center line of the roadway beingentered. Whenever practicable the left turn shall be made in that portionof the intersection to the left of the center of the intersection.
(3) Left turns on other than two-road roadways: At any intersectionwhere traffic is restricted to one direction on one or more of theroadways, the driver of a vehicle intending to turn left at any suchintersection shall approach the intersection in the extreme left-hand lanelawfully available to traffic moving in the direction of travel of suchvehicle and after entering the intersection the left turn shall be made soas to leave the intersection, as nearly as practicable, in the left-handlane lawfully available to traffic moving in such direction upon theroadway being entered, except where multiple turn lanes have beenestablished.
(4) Designated two-way left turn lanes: Where a special lane formaking left turns by drivers proceeding in opposite directions have beenindicated by official traffic control devices:
(a) A left turn shall not be made from any other lane;
(b) A vehicle shall not be driven in the lane except when preparingfor or making a left turn from or into the roadway or when preparing for ormaking a u-turn when otherwise permitted by law;
(c) A vehicle shall not be driven in the lane for a distance morethan five hundred feet.
(L. 1965 p. 445 ยง 43, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1270 and H.B. 2032)