301.3032. 1. Any person, after an annual payment of an emblem-useauthorization fee to a Missouri chapter of the March of Dimes, may receivespecial license plates for any vehicle the member owns, either solely orjointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motorvehicle licensed in excess of eighteen thousand pounds gross weight. TheMarch of Dimes hereby authorizes the use of its official emblem to beaffixed on multiyear personalized license plates within the plate areaprescribed by the director of revenue and as provided in this section. Anycontribution to a Missouri chapter of the March of Dimes derived from thissection, except reasonable administrative costs, shall be used solely forthe purposes of the March of Dimes. Any person may annually apply for theuse of the emblem.
2. Upon annual application and payment of a twenty-five dollaremblem-use contribution to a Missouri chapter of the March of Dimes, theMarch of Dimes shall issue to the vehicle owner, without further charge, anemblem-use authorization statement, which shall be presented by the vehicleowner to the director of revenue at the time of registration. Uponpresentation of the annual statement and payment of a fifteen dollar fee inaddition to the regular registration fees, and presentation of anydocuments which may be required by law, the director of revenue shall issueto the vehicle owner a special license plate which shall bear the emblem ofthe March of Dimes and the words "MARCH OF DIMES" in place of the words"SHOW-ME STATE". Such license plates shall be made with fully reflectivematerial with a common color scheme and design of the standard licenseplate, shall be clearly visible at night, shall have a reflective whitebackground in the area of the plate configuration, and shall beaesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130.Notwithstanding the provisions of section 301.144, no additional fee shallbe charged for the personalization of license plates pursuant to thissection.
3. A vehicle owner who was previously issued a plate with the Marchof Dimes emblem authorized by this section, but who does not provide anemblem-use authorization statement at a subsequent time of registration,shall be issued a new plate which does not bear the March of Dimes emblem,as otherwise provided by law. The director of revenue shall make necessaryrules and regulations for the enforcement of this section, and shall designall necessary forms required by this section.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1233, et al.)Effective 1-01-05