301.3053. 1. Any person who has been awarded the military serviceaward known as the "Distinguished Flying Cross" may apply for DistinguishedFlying Cross motor vehicle license plates for any motor vehicle such personowns, either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle ora commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of eighteen thousand poundsgross weight.
2. Any such person shall make application for the DistinguishedFlying Cross license plates on a form provided by the director of revenueand furnish such proof as a recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross asthe director may require. The director shall then issue license platesbearing letters or numbers or a combination thereof as determined by thedirector with the words "DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS" in place of the words"SHOW-ME STATE". Such license plates shall be made with fully reflectivematerial with a common color scheme and design, shall be clearly visible atnight, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section301.130. Such plates shall also bear an image of the Distinguished FlyingCross.
3. There shall be a fifteen-dollar fee in addition to the regularregistration fees charged for each set of Distinguished Flying Crosslicense plates issued pursuant to this section. A fee for the issuance ofpersonalized license plates pursuant to section 301.144 shall not berequired for plates issued pursuant to this section. There shall be nolimit on the number of license plates any person qualified pursuant to thissection may obtain so long as each set of license plates issued pursuant tothis section is* issued for vehicles owned solely or jointly by suchperson. License plates issued pursuant to the provisions of this sectionshall not be transferable to any other person except that any registeredco-owner of the motor vehicle shall be entitled to operate the motorvehicle with such plates for the duration of the year licensed in the eventof the death of the qualified person.
(L. 2000 H.B. 1797)*Word "are" appears in original rolls.