301.466. 1. Any person who is an active member or alumni member ofany Missouri chapter of the junior chamber of commerce may apply forspecial motor vehicle license plates for any vehicle he owns, either solelyor jointly, for issuance either to passenger motor vehicles subject to theregistration fees provided in section 301.055, or for a nonlocalproperty-carrying commercial motor vehicle licensed for a gross weight ofnine thousand one pounds up through and including twelve thousand pounds asprovided in section 301.057.
2. Any such person shall make application for the special licenseplates on a form provided by the director of revenue and furnish such proofof membership in the junior chamber of commerce as the director mayrequire. The director shall then issue license plates bearing the words"MISSOURI JAYCEES" in place of the words "SHOW-ME STATE" in a formprescribed by the advisory committee established in section 301.129. Suchlicense plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a commoncolor scheme and design, shall be clearly visible at night, and shall beaesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130. Such platesshall also bear the shield of the Missouri junior chamber of commerce tothe left of the letters or numbers or combination thereof.
3. There shall be a fee charged for each set of Missouri juniorchamber of commerce license plates issued equal to the fee charged forpersonalized license plates in addition to other fees required by law. Nomore than one set of Missouri junior chamber of commerce license platesshall be issued to a qualified applicant. License plates issued under theprovisions of this section shall not be transferable to any other personexcept that any registered co-owner of the motor vehicle shall be entitledto operate the motor vehicle with such plates for the duration of the yearlicensed in the event of the death of the qualified person.
(L. 1997 S.B. 59 ยง 301.465)