302.183. 1. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter thatrequires an applicant to provide reasonable proof of residence for issuanceor renewal of a noncommercial driver's license, noncommercial instructionpermit, or a nondriver's license, an applicant shall not have his or herprivacy rights violated in order to obtain or renew a Missourinoncommercial driver's license, noncommercial instruction permit, or anondriver's license.
2. Any data derived from a person's application shall not be sold forcommercial purposes to any other organization or any other state withoutthe express permission of the applicant without a court order; except suchinformation may be shared with a law enforcement agency, judge, prosecutingattorney, or officer of the court, or with another state for the limitedpurposes set out in section 302.600 or for conducting driver history checksin compliance with the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act, 49 U.S.C.31309. The state of Missouri shall protect the privacy of its citizenswhen handling any written, digital, or electronic data, and shall notparticipate in any standardized identification system using driver's andnondriver's license records.
3. The department of revenue shall not amend procedures for applyingfor a driver's license or identification card in order to comply with thegoals or standards of the federal REAL ID Act of 2005, any rules orregulations promulgated under the authority granted in such act, or anyrequirements adopted by the American Association of Motor VehicleAdministrators for furtherance of the act.
4. Any biometric data previously collected, obtained, or retained inconnection with motor vehicle registration or operation, the issuance orrenewal of driver's licenses, or the issuance or renewal of anyidentification cards by any department or agency of the state charged withthose activities shall be retrieved and deleted from all databases. Theprovisions of this subsection shall not apply to any data collected,obtained, or retained for a purpose other than compliance with the federalREAL ID Act of 2005. For purposes of this section, "biometric data"includes, but is not limited to:
(1) Facial feature pattern characteristics;
(2) Voice data used for comparing live speech with a previouslycreated speech model of a person's voice;
(3) Iris recognition data containing color or texture patterns orcodes;
(4) Retinal scans, reading through the pupil to measure blood vesselslining the retina;
(5) Fingerprint, palm prints, hand geometry, measuring of any and allcharacteristics of biometric information, including shape and length offingertips or recording ridge pattern or fingertip characteristics;
(6) Eye spacing;
(7) Characteristic gait or walk;
(8) DNA;
(9) Keystroke dynamics, measuring pressure applied to key pads orother digital receiving devices.
5. No citizen of this state shall have his or her privacy compromisedby the state or agents of the state. The state shall within reason protectthe sovereignty of the citizens the state is entrusted to protect.
(L. 2009 H.B. 361)