302.515. 1. Upon receipt of the report of the lawenforcement officer, the department shall make the determinationdescribed in section 302.505. If the department determines thatthe person is subject to license suspension or revocation, andif notice of suspension or revocation has not already beenserved upon the person by the enforcement officer as required insection 302.520, the department shall issue a notice ofsuspension or revocation.
2. The notice of suspension or revocation shall be mailedto the person at the last known address shown on thedepartment's records, and to the address provided by theenforcement officer's report if that address differs from theaddress of record. The notice is deemed received three daysafter mailing, unless returned by postal authorities.
3. The notice of suspension or revocation shall clearlyspecify the reason and statutory grounds for the suspension orrevocation, the effective date of the suspension or revocation,the right of the person to request a hearing, the procedure forrequesting a hearing, and the date by which that request for ahearing must be made.
(L. 1983 S.B. 318 & 135 ยง 5, A.L. 1984 S.B. 608 & 681)